
Showing posts from June, 2022

General medicine E-log 2

Hi , I am Harsha Chandana ,3rd semester student.  This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.  This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  A 40yr old woman who works in a glass company was admitted in to the hospital on 31st of may with the chief complaints of  -joint pains since 1 year -swelling in the abdomen and swelling in the legs since 1 year -rashes on her entire body since 1 year History of presenting illness: Patient has been visiting local hospitals for the above mentioned complaints but the treatment was ineffective.The patient had fever for 4-5days and had vomited for 3 times after her admission into the hospital.Her vomit did not contain any food particles.The patient also had reduced urine output and reduced appetite along with SOB. Past history: No history of diabetes or hypertension. Personal history: No addictions Mixed diet Adequate sleep Family history: Nil General examination: Patient is conscious,

General medicine E-log 1

Hi , I am Harsha Chandana ,3rd semester student.  This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.  This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio.  A 26 year old woman with pyelonephritis  A 26 year old house wife came to the OPD with the chief complaint of fever since 5 days. She was admitted 6 days ago. History of presenting illness: Patient has back pain since 15 days and fever not accompanied with cough or cold since 5 days before she was admitted.Upon taking blood tests it was found that her WBCs were higher than normal and she was asked to visit a doctor. The patient had vomiting for 4 days and swelling in the face and abdomen for 2 days and also passed blood urine for 2days after admission. Past history: The patient underwent a heart surgery at the age of 10 and was asked to take Acetron 2mg everyday which she stopped taking after 2yrs but resumed 7 months ago. Personal history: No addictions  Mixed diet  Adequate sleep